The product detail pages contains modal tabs which will display a breakdown of the usage history if the product has been used on:

The tabs will only be visible if the products have been used on the relevant transactions.

PurchaseOrders Tab (Optional)

The PurchaseOrders Tab displays the purchase orders that have purchased this product.  Note: Only visible if the product has been purchased.

StockSales Tab (Optional)

The StockSales tab displays all the stock sales that have sold this product. Note: Only visible if the product has been sold on a stock sale.

Production Jobs Tab (Optional)

The Production Jobs tab displays production jobs related to the product. Note: Only visible if the product has been used or produced on a production job.

  • Produced In - Displays the production jobs which produced the product if the product is an output.
  • Component In - Displays the list of production jobs which the product was used as a component.
  • Potential Outputs - Displays a list of the production templates which the product is a component.