Recurring projects allow you to set and schedule a repeating project automatically so you don't have to remember to do it manually. Repeating projects will automatically create themselves based on the assigned template and schedule at specified points in the future. This means you don't have to clutter up your current project list with any future dated projects. Perfect for workflows that required repeating onsite / support / maintenance etc.

Create new recurring project from the WorkGuru menu Projects -> Recurring Projects. From the recurring projects dashboard, click the Add a Recurring Project button.

On the add a recurring project page, complete the following

  • Name - Name of the recurring project.
  • Description - Project description. (Optional).
  • Client Purchase Order - Client reference.
  • Project Template - Project template the recurring project will use to create the Tasks and Products each time the project recurs.
  • Project Manager - Staff responsible for the project
  • Project Group - Assign the Project to a Project Group if it is part of a bigger Project (Optional)
  • Asset - Select the asset if the recurring project is related to one. Add Asset if required.
  • Client - Select the Project's client, or Add Client if not in the current address book.
  • Client Contact - If the selected Project client has Contacts in their client card, you can select the contact relevant to this Project (Optional).
  • Billing Client - Change the Client in this dropdown if the client details you are invoicing for the project is different from the client you are completing the work for. This is for a workflow such as for rental tenants where the tenant would be the Project client and the real estate client is the billing client you want to invoice.
  • Start Date - Start date of the recurrence period.
  • Frequency - How often does the project recur during the recurrence period.
  • End Date - End date of the recurrence period.
  • Next Project Date - Date of the first project will be created that the frequency will schedule from.
  • Is Active? - Is the recurring project active or note. This can be used when the recurring project has ended but may be re-activated (eg a client re-signs up to a support contract).
  • Project Length(days) - When the recurring project is created on the recurrence schedule, how long does the project need to be scheduled for.

Confirm the recurring project and click Save.

The recurring projects are automatically created by a service the runs hourly on the WorkGuru services. If you need a recurring project to be created immediately. Click the Run Project Generation Task Now button to manually run the creation service.