WorkGuru supports the bulk creation of leads via a csv import template.  The import template can be uploaded on the Import Hub (Administration -> Imports)

Select Choose file:

Lead Import Field Definition

Column HeaderColumn Required on Template?Requires Value if Column Included?
Matches to an existing client by name. Must match exactly
LeadNumberRequiredRequiredLead number
NameRequiredRequiredLead name
DescriptionRequiredOptionalLead description
CategoryRequiredRequiredLead category. Must match an existing category name exactly.
StageRequiredRequiredLead stage. Must match an existing stage name exactly.
StatusRequiredRequiredLead status. Must be one of: Lost, Won, Current
BudgetRequiredRequiredEstimated quote value. Must be a decimal value.
OwnerRequiredRequiredLead owner. Must match an existing user by username, email or full name
RequiredRequiredEstimated probability to win the lead. Must be a full number ranging 0-100
OptionalOptionalDate of expected lead won date. Must be formatted according to the DateFormatShort language setting for your organisation. Default value: dd/MM/yyyy
OptionalRequiredMatches to a contact for the given client by contact full name. Must match exactly

If you have custom fields, these can also be populated on import by adding a column to the import according to the format CustomField::CustomFieldName where CustomFieldName matches to the name (not label) of a custom field in your account.

Example header: CustomField::HasBeenVerified

Example row value: True