One of our core beliefs here at WorkGuru is that the greater the level of data accessibility and transparency you have, the more likely you are to make good decisions for your business that steer you towards profitability and sustainability. To that end, we've built out our V2 reporting module to give as much control as we can to you to build out reports and view your data as you see fit. Below you'll find field definitions and extra information for each of our V2 project reports.
Activity Lines
This pivot table report brings all of the activity that happened in a period into a single table. It shows Projects, Stock Sales, and Invoices with their associated costs and revenue line items in a pivot grid.
The date search criteria brings in the Invoice Date, Supplier Invoice Date (or PO issue date if there is no invoice) and the date of stock usage to calculate your revenue generating and cost incurring activities in the period.
Note: This report is specifically for accrual accounting reconciliation and does not include costs from non stocked products
Field Definitions:
Field | Notes/ Expected Values | Description |
Billing Client | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | Invoice Client Name |
Client | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | Project/Stock Sale Client Name else Invoice Client Name |
Code | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | Invoice Client Code |
Date | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | Invoice Date |
Document | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | Invoice Number |
Item | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | SKU - Line Name |
Project | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | For Project - ProjectName. For Stock Sale - SS Number. For Project Group - PG Number. |
Source | Invoice Purchase/Product/Task Lines | "Invoice" |
| | |
Date | Stock Usage Lines | Creation Time of Usage |
Document | Stock Usage Lines | Project Number |
Item | Stock Usage Lines | SKU - Product Name |
Source | Stock Usage Lines | "Stock Usage" |
| | |
Date | Stock Sale Stock Movements | Movement Date |
Document | Stock Sale Stock Movements | Stock Sale Number |
Item | Stock Sale Stock Movements | Product SKU - Name |
Project | Stock Sale Stock Movements | Stock Sale Number |
Quantity | Stock Sale Stock Movements | Movement Quantity |
Source | Stock Sale Stock Movements | "Stock Sale" |
UnitCost | Stock Sale Stock Movements | Movement Unit Cost - Fall Back to Product Cost Price |
| | |
Date | Timesheet Lines | Timesheet Start Date |
Item | Timesheet Lines | Project Task Line Name |
Quantity | Timesheet Lines | 1 |
Supplier | Timesheet Lines | Timsheet User Full Name |
UnitCost | Timesheet Lines | Timesheet Cost |
| | |
Client | Purchase Lines | Project Client else the PO Client |
Code | Purchase Lines | Project Client Code else PO Client Code |
Date | Purchase Lines | Invoice Date else Issue Date |
Document | Purchase Lines | PO Display Number [Including Revision] |
Item | Purchase Lines | Purchase Line SKU - Name |
Project | Purchase Lines | ProjectNo - ProjectName/SS Number else "None" |
Quantity | Purchase Lines | Invoice Quantity else Order Quantity |
Source | Purchase Lines | "Purchase Order" or "Uninvoiced Purchase Order" |
UnitCost | Purchase Lines | Invoice Cost else Order Cost |
Current Projects Due in Period
Projects Completed in Period
Project Value vs Invoiced by Start Date
Profit by Project
Profit by Project within Period
Project Task Lines by Start Date
Project Task Lines by Due Date
WIP Based on Actuals
WIP based on actuals up to the input date on running the report.
Field Definitions:
Field | Notes/ Expected Values | Description |
Billable Product Total
| Billable Product Lines
| Sums the total billable based off used products where the product is marked billable
Billable Task Total
| Billable time on billable tasks
| Sums total unit amount via the length billable time spent on billable tasks
Product Cost Total
| Total cost of used products
| Sums the cost of used products on a project
Purchase Cost Total
| Cost of PO's issued before/ equal to input date
| Sums cost of all PO's in base currency
Task Cost Total | Timesheets before/ equal to input date | Sums the cost of timesheets up until the input date |
Total Time | Timesheets before/ equal to input date | Sums the length of timesheets up until the input date |
WIP Based on Quoted
The WIP based on Quoted report summarises WIP based of remaining amounts to be invoiced off of accepted quotes
Field Definitions:
Field | Notes/ Expected Values | Description |
Billable Product Total
| Billable Product Lines
Quantity x Unit Amount
| Sums the total unit amount of billable products
Billable Task Total
| Billable tasks
Quantity x Unit Amount | Sums total unit amount of billable tasks
Product Cost Total
| Total cost of used products
| Sums the cost of used products on a project
Purchase Cost Total
| Cost of PO's issued before/ equal to input date
| Sums cost of all PO's in base currency
Task Cost Total | Timesheets before/ equal to input date | Sums the cost of timesheets up until the input date |
Total Cost | Task Cost Total + Product Cost Total + |
Total Time | Timesheets before/ equal to input date | Sums the length of timesheets up until the input date |
WIP Value | Total Billable - Total Invoiced |
Revenue Forecast Report
Project Progress Summary
Project Forecast vs Actual
This report details forecast and actual information per line-item for projects completed or due for completion within the selected period.
When running this report, actuals are grouped together under 'Product' and 'Task' line types with adhoc line actuals matched off SKU. This means stock usage and purchases are part of the 'Product' figures and timesheets are part of the 'Task' figures. Other line types exist on the report to allow for more specific reporting if desired.
Field Definitions:
Field | Notes/ Expected Values | Description |
Billable | "Yes", "No" | Billable status of line. For types other than 'Product' and 'Task', this represents the billable status of the line that actual contributes towards. |
Billing Client | | Project billing client. |
Client | | Project client. |
Completed Date | dd/mm/yyyy, "N/A" | Project completed date. Task completed date for timesheet lines, received/ invoiced/ issue date for purchase lines dependant on PO status. |
Date | | Completed or due date for project. This field is used by the 'Year', 'Qtr', 'Month' and 'Day' fields to provide date-based pivot functionality. |
Description | | Line description. |
Discount | "Product" lines only. | Discount saved against line item. |
DueDate | dd/mm/yyyy | Project due date. Finish time for timesheet lines, invoice due date for purchase lines. |
LineType | | Type of line: "Product", "Task", "Stock Usage", "Purchase", "Timesheet" |
Name | | Name of line. User name for timesheet lines, product name for stock usage. |
ProjectDescription | | |
ProjectName | | |
ProjectNo | | |
Sku | | SKU of line or product. "N/A" or blank for non-product lines. |
StartDate | dd/mm/yyyy | Project start date. Start time for timesheet lines, issue date for purchase lines. |
Status | | Project status for product/ task/ stock usage lines. Type status for others. |
ForecastCost | | The combined forecast cost against 'Product' and 'Task' lines, or specific costing for other line types. |
ActualCost | | The combined actual cost against 'Product' and 'Task' lines, or specific costing for other line types. |
ForecastQty | | |
ActualQty | | |
ForecastValue | | The combined forecast billable amount against 'Product' and 'Task' lines, or specific amount for others. Not all line types are directly invoicable and will display with 0. |
ActualValue | | The combined invoiced amount against 'Product' and 'Task' lines. Timesheets will display the invoiced amount for their task. Purchase lines will display the amount invoiced for that line. |
Production Job Forecast vs Actual
Recurring Projects by End Date
Recurring Projects Occurrence and Invoiced within Period
Project Templates Pivot Table