
Can I do partial invoicing?
100%. WorkGuru allows you to invoice any percentage (or amount) of your project at any time.  You can raise invoices with any combination of: Full or perc...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 7:48 AM
Can I invoice based on Milestones?
Yes! WorkGuru lets you use tasks as milestones. Simply mark the task as complete, and use the invoice Completed Tasks option in the project's quick invo...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 7:52 AM
Can I invoice in Foreign Currencies?
Yes - WorkGuru supports selling in foreign currencies, however, you need to enable it for sales (multi-currency purchasing only is the default).  Simply go ...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 8:01 AM
Can I Invoice Products if I Don’t Have Stock Available?
You most certainly can. WorkGuru completely separates the stock movement from the invoicing, so you can invoice the customer before you order parts in, with...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 8:15 AM
Can I Show the Client the Project “Balance Remaining” on an Invoice?
Yes - WorkGuru’s milestone invoices allow you to display percentage and/or value quoted, complete, claimed, and remaining on a line by line, or overall proj...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 8:15 AM
Can I Invoice a Different Customer than the Project is For?
You certainly can. Setting a billing client on the project will mean that the invoice goes to a different company than that project was for. 
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 8:33 AM
Can I Have Invoices Look Different for Different Clients?
Yes. WorkGuru supports multiple invoice templates, and you can specify what type each client gets.
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 3:13 PM
Can I Invoice Clients for Disbursements?
WorkGuru easily supports disbursement invoices. When you add a purchase to a project simply flag it as billable, and at invoicing time, it will be added to ...
Fri, 16 Feb, 2024 at 3:15 PM
Can I Bill Staff at Their Individual Rates?
Yes you can!   WorkGuru can quote and invoice at either a flat task rate (everyone is invoiced at the same rate) or at as staff members individual rate (tas...
Wed, 24 Jul, 2024 at 2:36 PM