To begin using the integration, first you must connect your SuiteFiles account to WorkGuru and perform some initial setup steps. Access the integration by clicking on the SuiteFiles icon on the integrations page:

If you are not already connected, you will see a link to begin the connection and authorisation process: 

Once clicked, you will receive a prompt to enter your SuiteFiles site URL followed by a user account login/selection prompt:

Once authorised, you will be returned to the SuiteFiles Integration page within WorkGuru. The next step will be to select a root folder which will contain all files uploaded from WorkGuru. Currently only folders available in the root/ home directory are supported as the integration root folder:

Once a root folder has been selected, the setup for the integration is complete and files uploaded to WorkGuru from this point will sync through to SuiteFiles. Files will be synced as part of a background job and may not happen immediately.