Payments can be applied to WorkGuru invoices. This allows you to track payment status and batch transactions to clearing accounts in Xero to assist with reconciliation for certain business workflows. Payment types can also be used to account for sales and purchase deposits.

Note: While applying payments can assist with managing client balances, WorkGuru is NOT designed to be the point of truth for your business's Accounts Receivable/Payable. AP/AR should always be managed primarily in your accounting system.

Access the payments dashboard at Accounting -> Payment Types

Click the Create New link to create the required payment type, or Edit to update an existing payment.

Enter or edit the following fields:

  • Payment Type Name - Payment a name to identify it when applying payments on an invoice or purchase order.
  • Clearing Account - Map it to a corresponding clearing account. If this dropdown is blank you will need to create an account in Xero, or enable payments on an existing one, and sync it with WorkGuru by clicking Get Chart of Accounts from your accounting integration dashboard.
    • Current Asset - for sales clearing accounts and purchase deposits
    • Liability - for sales deposits

Click Save Payment Type to apply the settings. The payment type is now available to be applied on invoices and purchase orders.