Adding multiple warehouses in WorkGuru allows you to track individual stock levels in separate, physical or organisational locations.

From the warehouses dashboard (Stock -> Warehouses), click +Add Warehouse.

Add the warehouse name and its location details.  You can also set the new warehouse to be the default stock location for all transactions.

  • Name - Warehouse name.
  • Address1 - Warehouse address.
  • Address2 - Warehouse address.
  • Suburb - Warehouse city.
  • State - Warehouse state.
  • Postcode - Warehouse postcode.
  • IsActive - Warehouse status. Selected is Active, De-selected is InActive.
  • IsDefault - Used to specific the default warehouse if multiple are setup.  Only one default can be set.

Click Save to add the warehouse.

The new warehouse is now active with no stock on hand.  Note:  The stock list (FIFO products) is global and is the same list in all warehouses.  You cannot have specific products in specific warehouses, only the stock on hand count, par levels and stock location will change.  To add stock on hand to the new warehouse: