Staff teams allow you to group your staff into teams so they can be assigned in bulk to project tasks.

Add a Team

From the staff team dashboard, click Add Team. 

Enter the team name and assign the relevant staff using the check boxes.   Note: You can only assign existing staff already setup in WorkGuru.

Click Save.  The team is now available to be used on projects to bulk allocate staff to project tasks.

Edit or Manage an Existing Team

 From the staff team dashboard, click on the team name you want to edit.

Review the team details:

  • Search - Search for staff in the team.
  • Edit Team - Edit the team to remove or add staff.
  • Delete - Delete the team (with all the staff assignments)
  • Bulk Assign Tasks - Add the team to multiple active project tasks.
  • Bulk Assign Tasks on Templates - Add the team to multiple existing project or production template.