Setting up GuruPay is as simple as filling out a from.  Before you start you will need the following documentation to setup GuruPay:

  • Most recent bank statement
  • Company ASIC summary or extract from ABR to identify your business.
  • Identity verification documents for your nominated business contact (must control/own at least 25% of the business).  Accepted identification documents may include:
    • Drivers licence
    • Passport
    • Rates Notes or Utility Bill.

To setup GuruPay, click on the GuruPay option in your WorkGuru menu.  Note: Only Administrators can see this option in the menu by default.

  1. Overview
  2. Documents
  3. Surcharge
  4. Receipt Settings
  5. Invoice Email Defaults


From the Overview tab on the GuruPay dashboard, fill in the following details:

  • Company Details - Business details for payment email notifications/templates.
  • Bank Details - Settlement account details for cleared payments.
  • Tell Us About Your Payments - Payment collection information.
  • Contacts- Nominated business representative.  Note:  must control/own at least 25% of the company/business.
    • If you want to record more than one contact, click Add a Contact.

When all the fields have been filled out, review the information and click the consent check box and click Save Changes. If there are no issues, GuruPay will confirm the successful submission.


Once the overview has been submitted successfully, you can upload your required documents to support your Pinch application from the Documents tab.


Configure how you want to handle payment surcharges from the Surcharge Settings tab.

Enable the check boxes if you want to pass on the surcharge fees onto the customer for credit card and direct debit payments.  Note:  Direct debit payments are coming soon.

Receipt Settings

Review your receipt settings by clicking the Receipt Settings button.  You can edit the receipt template if required in a similar manner to the invoice email defaults.   Click Save Changes when complete.

Invoice Email Defaults

The final step required which enables GuruPay is to add the [InvoicePaymentLink] field to your invoice email templates (Administration -> Settings -> Email Defaults). This email template field will enables the interface which the client can use to process payment to your invoice.

When GuruPay has been setup successfully, the GuruPay dashboard will be available to manage your incoming payments.