As WorkflowMax does not provide stock control, all WFM purchase orders are equivalent to project purchase orders in Workguru. Build the following report in WFM's report builder. It is assumed you would use the Criteria (step 3) section of the report builder to refine the WFM export to your current work in progress purchase orders based on fields relevant to your workflow.

  • Report Type - Purchase Order Cost
  • Report Layout - Table

The WorkflowMax export is mapped to the WorkGuru import template fields as follows. Note: Not all WorkGuru fields are available in WorkflowMax and will need to be populated manually if required.

PONumber[Order] PO No.
ProjectNo[Order] Job Number(s)
Supplier[Order] Supplier
IssueDate[Order] Date
ExpectedDate*Not Available*
DeliveryInstructions*Not Available*
DeliveryAddress1*Not Available*
DeliveryAddress2*Not Available*
Suburb*Not Available*
State*Not Available*
Postcode*Not Available*
SKU[Cost] Code
Name[Cost] Description
Description[Cost] Note
OrderQuantity[Cost] Ordered
BuyPrice[Cost] Cost
ExpenseAccountCode*Not Available*
TaxName*Not Available*
TaxRate*Not Available*
Warehouse*Not Available*

Upload the purchase order template here: