Serialised products allow you to assign, identify and dispatch individual units within a product's stock on hand.  This provides increased stock accuracy.  The difference between serial and batch products is a serial identifies individual products, whereas a batch can be assigned to multiple products.  When using serialised products it is important that the correct serial number is dispatched or used to prevent stock inconsistencies. 

Create a Serialised Product

Create product and set it's TrackingType to Serial.  Note:  Existing FIFO products CANNOT be set to a serial product. Conversely, existing serial products CANNOT be reverted to a FIFO product.   

Purchasing Serialised Products on Stock Purchase Orders

Receiving a stock purchase order containing serialised products is the same workflow as normal, except you will be prompted to assign a serial number to each individual unit received.

Click on the i to open the serial number entry popup.  Enter the serial numbers for each of the received quantities.

Click Done to save the serial numbers.  You can check/change the serial numbers by clicking the "i"  anytime before you complete the purchase order.   Once received, the serial numbers can be reviewed in the stock dashboard from the product's stock movement history.   The serialised products are listed individually with the serial number displayed with the description.

Using Serialised Products on Projects and Production Jobs

When using serialised products on projects and production jobs, you will need to confirm the exact serial number that has physically been used and ensure the same serial number is selected when prompted in the dropdown.   You cannot use a serialised product without selecting a serial number.

The serial number used on the project will be tracked in the project's Materials tab.

Producing a Serialised Product on a Production Job

When completing a production job where serialised products are the output product, you will need to assign a serial number to the produced products.  If there is multiple serialised output, enter the actual quantity and you will be prompted to enter a serial for each output.

Dispatching Serialised Products on Stock Sales

When dispatching a stock sale with serialised products, you will need to confirm the exact serial number that has physically been used and ensure the same serial number is selected when prompted.  Note: Due the requirement to enter the serial numbers you can't Complete a stock sale containing serialised product lines.

Stock Adjusting Serialised Products (Coming Soon)

Stock adjust in - assign serial numbers

Stock adjust out - select existing serial numbers

Stock Taking Serialised Products (Coming Soon)

Include serial numbers in separate lines in stock take.