New products can be created in WorkGuru from the product dashboard's Actions menu (Products -> List Products -> Actions -> Add Product) or using the Add Product menu shortcut (Products -> Add Products).

The more information you can give the product, the more automation you will enable within WorkGuru. For example, by ensuring that every product has a default supplier, WorkGuru can easily raise purchase orders by supplier from the project's materials tab without any additional data entry.

The product details are entered over the following tabs:

Once the relevant product data has been entered, click Save to create the product, or Save and Add, to create the product and go straight to another add product page to enter multiple products sequentially.

Overview Tab

Fill out the following product fields (WorkGuru will prompt you on save if you have missed required fields):

  • Sku - Unique product code.
  • Name - Product's Name
  • Description - Description of the product.
  • Barcode - UPC, EAN or your own barcode on the product's packaging.
  • Brand - Product's Brand - for reporting.
  • CostPrice - Your supplier price for the product, , GST exclusive.
  • SellPrice - Price you sell the product, GST exclusive.
  • RRP - Supplier recommended retail price
  • Sell Tax - Xero tax code for invoicing.
  • Purchase Tax - Xero tax code for purchasing.
  • Category - Product category - for reporting. To create a category, simply type directly into the input. In order to delete a category you will need to deselect that category for every product its set on.
  • TrackingType - FIFO (stock controlled), Serial or NonStock
  • Supplier - Default supplier.
  • SupplierCode - Suppliers unique product code/SKU.
  • Minimum Order Quantity - Minimum quantity purchased from the supplier.  Different purchase units quantity is handled by units of measures.
  • Sales Account - Alternate Xero GL account for sales.
  • Expense Account - Alternate Xero GL account for purchases/COGS.
  • ImageFile - Upload a product image for document templates.
  • IsActive - Toggle if the product visibility.
  • Show On Kiosk - Toggle if the product is available to be used on projects in the Kiosk.
  • Notes - Product notes
  • Length - Dimensions in meters.
  • Width - Dimensions in meters.
  • Height - Dimensions in meters.
  • Weight - Weight in Kilograms.

Click Save, or Save and Add if you are adding more than one product.

Units of Measure Tab

If the product has Units of Measures (UoM), click on the Units of Measure tab. UoMs allow you to purchase and sell products that have multiple units, eg you buy a case of product and sell or use them individually on projects. 

Click Add UoM and fill out the following UoM fields:

  • SKU - UoM's unique product code
  • Name - UoM's Name
  • Supplier Code - UoM's supplier code. (This function also enables alternate suppliers for the product)
  • Barcode - UPC, EAN or your own barcode on the UoM's packaging.
  • Quantity of Base Unit - The number of the primary unit that exists in this UoM.
  • Cost Price - Supplier price for the UoM
  • Sell Price - You price for the UoM

Repeat the process if the product has multiple UoMs ie - pack and carton, or square m, carton or pallet etc.

Click Save, and the product will be added to your products list, or Save and Add which will take you back to the new product screen, if you need to add more products.

Price Tiers Tab

If you have enabled pricing tiers, the Price Tiers tab is were you can enter each tiers' GST exclusive sell price.

Par Levels and Locations Tab

You can setup warehouse specific par levels and locations on the product's par levels and locations tab.

Fill out the following fields if required:

  • Min - Minimum stock level that if equal or less than will will prompt for a re-order.
  • Max - Stock level that a re-order prompted by meeting the min level will reorder to.
  • Par - The minimum amount of SoH needed to meet demand.  Usually calculated by the current SoH - min / sales average.
  • Location - Physical location identifier (Zone/Bin etc) in each warehouse.

Alternate Suppliers Tab

You can assign additional suppliers you purchase the product from.

Fill out the following fields if required:

Files Tab

To upload a files related to the product, click the Select Files button to select the file, enter a Description and click Upload.

Notes Tab

You can add notes to the product by entering the Note Text and clicking Save note.