You can manage your projects from the project dashboard page (Projects -> Dashboard). The dashboard displays project counts by In Progress, Overdue, Due this week and New. These widgets can be clicked on to display the projects in that widget. Projects can also be displayed in a Kanban view.

The project dashboard's quick actions menu displays shortcuts to add a project, timesheet or access the completed project archive.

You can also quickly update the Due Date and Status of projects in the project dashboard. Click the project's due date to access a date picker and change status's from the status dropdown.

You can open the project details page by clicking the project number on the projects dashboard. The project details page is the primary location to manage your projects in WorkGuru. It displays the project information, quick actions, profit and progress widgets and project tabs.

Quick Actions

Profit and Progress Widgets - Actual vs Forecast.

  • Hours Worked - Hours based on timesheets.
  • Tasks Completed - Project progress based on milestones (task) completion, not based on time.
  • Invoiced - Amount invoiced vs forecast billable line items.
  • Cost- Actual cost calculated by:
    • Timesheets
    • Material/Stock usage
    • Purchase orders.
    • Supplier credit notes.
  • WIP - Value of un-billed billable actuals.
  • Profit - Actual profit calculated from invoiced value minus actual cost.

Project Tabs

  • Overview - Individual task progress and completion and bulk complete/incomplete tasks functionality
  • Time - List of timesheets added to the project
  • Materials - Material summary and usage breakdown.
  • Purchases - List of purchase orders raised attached to the project.
  • Notes - Notes added to the project.
  • Files - Files added to the project.
  • Financials - Displays project financials
    • Invoices
    • Credit notes
    • Billable line summary
  • Adv Costs - Displays advances costing details of materials
    • SKU
    • Name of Material
    • Project Phase (if applicable)
    • How many have been used
    • How many have been received via PO/not received via PO
    • Total Cost
    • Serial or Batch material (if applicable)