You can manage your assets form the assets dashboard.  You can search for your assets by name, client type, serial number and any asset custom fields and view Active, Inactive or All assets.

You can use the check boxes to select more than one asset to raise projects via a project group.  The actions button next to each asset is a shortcut to create a quote or project directly from the asset dashboard pre-populated with the relevant asset information.

Clicking the asset name will open the asset details page.   This page will display the asset details, including custom fields and information aggregated from all quotes and projects assigned to the asset.  It also display the actual vs forecast totals of all projects in the profit and project widgets.  You can also print any asset documentation required.

Quick Actions

Profit and Progress Widgets - Actual vs Forecast

  • Hours Works - Combined total time worked from time sheets submitted to projects assigned to the asset.
  • Tasks Completed - Combined tasks completion totals from the tasks on projects assigned to the asset.
  • Invoiced - Combined total value invoiced from the projects assigned to the assets.
  • Cost - Combined total value of call costs from the projects assigned to the asset.
  • Forecast Profit - Combined forecast profit of all projects assigned to the asset.
  • Actual Profit - Combined actual profit of all projects assigned to the asset.

Asset Tabs

  • Projects - List of projects assigned to the asset.
  • Recurring Projects - List of recurring projects assigned to the asset.
  • Timesheets - Combined list of all timesheets submitted to projects assigned to the asset.
  • Materials - Combined list of all materials used on all projects assigned to the asset.
  • Asset Notes - Notes added directly to the asset.
  • Project Notes - Combined list of notes added to the notes tab of all projects assigned to the asset.
  • Files - Files added directly to the asset.
  • Outstanding Work - List of all quotes assigned to the asset.  The value of these quotes contributes to the Quoted Work field in the asset details.
  • Invoices - Combined list of all invoices raised via projects assigned to the asset.  The value of these invoices contributes to the Completed Work Value field in the asset details.
  • Used on Jobs - If the asset is used internally, this tab displays the list of projects that contain the internal product code.
  • Invoiced to Clients - If the asset is used internally, this tab displays the list of invoices that contain the internal product code.