The one-click migration tool is designed to move simple WorkflowMax workflows and data-sets into WorkGuru. This migration tool has some great features, but for more complex workflows outside of the standard quote -> job -> invoice workflow, the WFM API has limited functionality as to what it can and can't access. For most people, particularly if you're wanting to bring in transactional WIP data, you're best to use the manual imports method.

This is entirely due to the WorkflowMax API - which means that we can't get accurate granular data from it, as much as we would like to! (And we'd happily write the code if the endpoints were available, but sadly, they're not!)

Unless you are coming from a simple WFM workflow.  We ONLY recommend this method if you're either very much out of time, or don't care about granular detail.

Additionally, we can only get project/job forecast revenue if there is exactly one quote against it, with no re-quoting

As a general rule, this tool is great for bringing in balance only level profit and WIP, but will really struggle with transactional costing and revenue, for which you should use the manual imports method.

Lastly, the success of this migration tool is particularly dependent on the complexity of your WorkflowMax workflows and dataset, but please just assume that it won't work perfectly. It will give you base level data, it will NOT be perfect.

What the tool will bring across:

  • Clients and Suppliers including contacts
  • Users/Staff
  • Products
  • Tasks
  • Custom field setup
  • Quotes
  • Jobs/Projects
  • Timesheets (not costed)
  • Invoices
  • Purchases

What the tool will not bring across:

  • Document templates
  • Project templates
  • Leads
  • Task cost/sell rates
  • Product cost/sell rates
  • Job files
  • Custom field data
  • Notes
  • Line item invoiced values
  • Itemised/Accurate WIP on tasks
  • Costs on jobs that haven't been quoted (directly added to jobs)
  • Custom reports created with the WFM report builder.

Planning for the Migration

As a rule, the cleaner/more complete the data in WorkflowMax is, the more successful and easier the migration will be.  The pre-requisites to use our migration tool are:

  • Ensure that you have already completed the Xero integration successfully - especially ensuring the default tax settings and GL accounts have been imported set correctly.  This is critical for the migration tool to map settings correctly automatically.
  • Xero - If you are still connected to Xero, disconnect WorkGuru from Xero (as WFM uses the same login token).
  • WFM Permissions - Ensure your WFM administrator account used to connect has API access enabled. (Business -> Settings -> Staff)

  • Products - WorkflowMax costs do not require a product code/SKU, whereas this is a mandatory field in WorkGuru.  If you do not want WorkGuru to apply codes automatically on migration, it is recommended codes are applied/updated on the costs in WorkflowMax before migration.
  • Project Statuses - For the jobs migrated from WFM to map to the correct project status, it is important that the WFM job statuses are setup/replicated exactly in WorkGuru. 

Running the Migration

If your WorkGuru is already connected to Xero, we recommend disconnecting via the Xero page first and then connecting to WFM.

To start the migration go to:

Click Connect to Xero.

Select the WorkflowMax organisation you want to migrate from and click Allow access for 30 minutes.  Note: the organisation list will only display WorkflowMax that your account has admin access to with the API access enabled.

From the WorkflowMax migration dashboard, select a specific date range and which data you want to migrate from WorkflowMax or Get All the Data! to migrate everything dated after 01 January 2021. You can still import data from before this date, however you will need to use the manual import method. 

The API also isn't great so using the manual import method will achieve greater accuracy and require less post synch clean-up.  Note:  If using the Get All the Data!, Get Purchases, Refresh Contacts and Import Custom Fields are excluded from this function and need to be run individually if required.

WorkGuru will then migrate the selected data and indicate when successful with a summary of what has been transferred.

When the migration is complete, click Disconnect now and reconnect to Xero.   Xero will display the following prompt if there are similar account names under your Xero login.   Click Select this Tenant that aligns to your Xero organisation name.

Note: There may be a delay between the data request to WFM from completing vs the persistence of that data to our database. If you see the green tick for a successful sync but don't see the data on the relevant dashboard immediately afterwards, this will mean that data is still being processed. How long this may take is dependant on the amount of data you're bringing across, but generally this process should only take a few minutes.

After the Migration

Next steps to finalise the data imported are: