Supplier and Contacts can be managed from the supplier dashboard.

Supplier Dashboard

You can Search for any supplier using the info displayed on the dashboard, open the supplier detail page by clicking the supplier Name. Use the Active, Inactive or All Suppliers tabs to view/search specific lists of suppliers.

You can administer your suppliers from the Actions tab:

  • Add Supplier - Add a new supplier.
  • Import Suppliers - Import and/or update multiple suppliers from an import template.
  • Import Supplier Contacts - Import multiple contacts from an import template.
  • Import Suppliers - Export full list of suppliers.
  • Export Contacts - Export full list of supplier contacts.

Supplier Details

Clicking on the supplier name from the supplier dashboard will then open the supplier detail page which displays the selected supplier and contacts overview, transaction history and management functions.

The Supplier Details section displays supplier information and current account balance in WorkGuru.

The Contacts sections displays the suppliers contacts.

The Overview section displays the suppliers' transactional history and uploaded information.

  • Purchase Orders - Supplier purchase history, including a shortcut to Add a New Purchase Order pre-filled with the supplier details.
  • Credit Notes - Supplier credit note history.
  • Files - List of files added to the supplier.

Additional functions available on the supplier details page are: