If you notice duplicate suppliers appearing on your purchase orders, you can merge them together to retain information and transaction history.


Merging suppliers is an operation that CANNOT be undone!

Be 100% sure you want to do this.

From the supplier dashboard, Search for the duplicate supplier.

Open the details page of the duplicate supplier you want to merge (remove). In the details page footer, select Merge Supplier.

Review the Merge Supplier popup and select the Target Supplier you want to merge the duplicate into. Note: The Source Supplier will not appear in the Target Supplier list.

Items that will be merged include the following. If you do not see an item in this list, it will not be merged.

  • All purchases, credits, contacts and files will be merged into the target
  • Products linked to the source supplier will be linked to the target
  • Alternate supplier pricing for the source supplier will be deleted

Click Save to finish merging the supplier.