
Users Dashboard
Invite and manage your users from the WorkGuru users dashboard.   Search for users and Manage your users details and permissions from the user's Actions...
Wed, 6 Dec, 2023 at 1:27 PM
Create New Users
(If you are looking to import staff manually, please view the Import Users support article here.) To add new users to WorkGuru, click the +Create new us...
Wed, 12 Jun, 2024 at 11:43 AM
Deleting Users
To remove a user from WorkGuru, you mark them as inactive.   Currently users cannot be deleted due to historical reporting reasons.    Making a user inactiv...
Tue, 19 Sep, 2023 at 1:55 PM
Managing Existing Users
To manage your existing users, click Edit on the users' Actions button from the Users Dashboard. (Administration -> Users) You can then update the...
Tue, 19 Sep, 2023 at 1:40 PM
User Actions
WorkGuru allows you to fully manage your Users once they have been invited. You have a number of management functions available to you from the actions butt...
Fri, 12 Jul, 2024 at 10:16 AM
Editing User Specific Permissions
You can edit the permissions that a User inherits from their assigned role. Click in the actions button in the Users dashboard and select permissions. You...
Tue, 18 Apr, 2023 at 12:43 PM
Login As Another User
WorkGuru allows you to login in as another user to interact with WorkGuru as that User.  This is a handy tool for managers to troubleshoot or confirm a user...
Tue, 18 Apr, 2023 at 12:44 PM