(If you are looking to import staff manually, please view the Import Users support article here.)

To add new users to WorkGuru, click the +Create new user button in the users dashboard. (Administration -> Users)

In the new user User information tab, fill out the following fields to create the new user:

  • Name - First Name (Required)
  • Surname - Last Name (Required)
  • Email Address - Recommended to use the same email as the employee record in Xero if using the payroll integration.
  • Phone Number - Phone or mobile.
  • User name - Can be anything but recommended to use the users email address. (Required)
  • Pin - Used for Kiosk and POS quick access. (Required)
  • Hourly Rate - The users hourly labour cost rate for project costing.  If left at the default 0, the users timesheets will not be costed on the project.
  • Staff Billable Rate - The users hourly billable labour rate for project invoicing.  You can switch between task and staff billing from the project's quick invoice screen.
  • Default Warehouse - Set the user's location for default stock location.  If left blank, the default will be the last warehouse used.
  • Purchase Order Approval Limit - Dollar value up to which the user can approve purchase orders.  POs over this limit can only be saved as a draft.
  • Colour on Dashboard Widgets - Assign the staff member a colour to be displayed on dashboard widgets, schedule and reporting.
  • Options checkboxes:
    • Set Random Password - Deselect this option if you want to set a default password for the user.  If selected the users will be sent a default password in the invitation email and asked to change it on the first login.
    • Should change password on next login - Prompts users to update their password on next login (Note: Only for browser login, not the kiosk).
    • Send activation email - On creation, send the user's email address the default WorkGuru welcome/signup email.
    • Active - used for disabling the user's access without deleting them.
    • Lockout Enable - Enforces the failed login lockout policy defined in Administration -> Settings -> Security.

In the new user Roles tab:

  • Select the Role(s) that you want to assign to the new user to set their permissions.   You can create and manage your roles in Administration -> Roles.

Click Save to add your user. Note if Send activation email option has been selected, WorkGuru will send the welcome email on save.