
Tanda and WorkGuru Overview
If your workplace has a complex payroll, WorkGuru's Tanda integration can assist to simplify your timesheeting and payroll, while ensuring your projects...
Tue, 11 Apr, 2023 at 1:24 PM
Connecting to Tanda
To connect WorkGuru to Tanda, click on the Tanda logo from the integrations dashboard. Click the Connect to Tanda button to start the integration. Log...
Tue, 11 Apr, 2023 at 2:00 PM
Sending Timesheets to Tanda
Once Tanda has been connected successfully to WorkGuru, you have the option to either manually or automatically send timesheets to Tanda. Before sending tim...
Tue, 11 Apr, 2023 at 1:45 PM
Receiving Costed Timesheet Updates
Once timesheets have been sent to Tanda successfully, Tanda will apply it's award interpreter to ensure the timesheet is costed correctly for payroll.  ...
Thu, 21 Sep, 2023 at 4:00 PM