As transactions are in the state to be sent to Xero, they will be added to the Xero queue in the Xero dashboard (Accounting -> Xero).  The status for a transaction to be added to the Xero queue is as follows:

Purchase Order
Invoiced  (Supplier invoice number and date)
Applied (Payments can only be sent to Approved Invoices in Xero)
Credit Notes
Stock Take
Stock Adjustment

Transactions ready to send to Xero will be indicated by a count.   If there is nothing to be sent to Xero, it will display the transaction is up to date.   Review the available information queued to send to Xero in the Send Data to Xero section of the Xero dashboard.

Note: You can enable transactions to automatically send to Xero in your Xero Settings.

Sending transactions to Xero is as simple as clicking the relevant send link.   

  • Send Invoices - Send approved invoices.
  • Get Payments -  Get reconciliation/payments from Xero to apply to invoices in WorkGuru
  • Send Payments - Send payments applied in WorkGuru.  Note: The invoice the payment was applied must be sent AND approved in Xero BEFORE payment is sent.
  • Send Purchase Orders - Send invoiced purchase orders.
  • Send Credit Notes - Send approved credit notes.
  • Send Cost of Goods - Send cost of goods sold journal.   See details Cogs will breakdown the current cogs value to the transactions that created them (stock usage on projects/production jobs and dispatches on stock sales.  Note:  WorkGuru creates one COGS journal per month in Xero, subsequent send cost of goods within a month will update the existing journal, not create multiple journals.
  • Send Stock Takes - Send stock adjustment journal created by applying a stock take.
  • Send Stock Adjustments - Send stock adjustment journal.

If there are any issues sending data to Xero, the relevant error message will display in red detailing exactly what information can't be successfully sent to Xero.   Click the message header to review the cause of the issue and how to resolve the error.