If you need to schedule your Staff's tasks to a specific time/duration, use WorkGuru's Calendar View. Calendar scheduling allows you to export your schedule to external calendar applications and also from WorkGuru's native mobile applications.

From the WorkGuru Project Schedule page (Projects -> Schedule) click the Actions dropdown and select Calendar View.

The calendar view displays the staff members schedule for the current day/7day/week period. You can access the project dropdown to display the project's tasks which then can be drag and dropped to the schedule as required. NoteTasks can be allocated to more than one staff member.

Scheduled tasks can then be rescheduled or removed by drag and dropping to a new time or clicking on the event and selecting Remove from Calendar.

If you want to view a staff member's WorkGuru calendar schedule in an external calendar, click on the staff name and then paste the copied URL into your RSS/CalDAV compatible calendar application.