Setting the correct tax codes is an important part of the integration between Xero and WorkGuru. WorkGuru has built in tax rates by these are designed to be placeholders to be replaced with Xero's as soon as it's connected. Xero tax rates can not be configured in WorkGuru, WorkGuru only synchronises the current tax configuration from Xero. The tax rates are only used by WorkGuru to pre-code the relevant line items on transactions sent to Xero so no additional double handling is required in Xero.
Synchronise the latest Xero tax rate configuration from the Xero dashboard (Accounting -> Xero)
Tax rates are applied in WorkGuru hierarchically in the following order, with the higher levels overriding the lower:
- Level 1 - Default tax mappings in the Xero settings.
- Level 2 - Task and product line items.
- Level 3 - Clients and Suppliers.
Not all tax codes configured in Xero might be relevant to the transactions in WorkGuru. You can manage these tax rates so only the relevant ones are available to apply within WorkGuru.