Dispatching a stock sale is one of two components to complete a stock sale.  The other is invoicing the stock sale. Invoicing and the stock movement happen independent of each other.

Create or open an approved stock sale by clicking on the sale number on the stock sale dashboard.

WorkGuru will indicate out of stock product lines red.  These lines cannot be dispatched until they are back in stock at that warehouse. However, you can partially dispatch the products that are in stock if required. If the stock on the sale is available, and you want to invoice on dispatch click Complete Sale which will invoice and fully dispatch all products on the sale.

If the stock sale has already been invoiced (the sale will display an invoice number on it's detail page and the Complete Sale button will not be available), and the products on the sale are available, click Partial Dispatch.

From the dispatch stock sale prompt, enter the Qty to Dispatch, or use the Dispatch All Available shortcut. Click Dispatch to confirm the stock movement on the sale. Note: As for using materials on projects, it is extremely important to ensure you are telling WorkGuru exactly what has been dispatched when it has been dispatched.

The stock sale will then display the dispatch date on the stock sale detail screen.

The dispatch detail is displayed in the stock sale detail page's Dispatches tab. If you have partially dispatched products previously, they will be logged here.

Once the stock sale has been invoiced and fully dispatched, it is classed as complete.