WorkGuru has a very flexible invoicing functionality to suit any invoicing workflows. This is an example of invoicing The remaining balance of a project compared to its forecast. This invoicing option best suits a 'final' invoice where you want to ensure all quoted/forecast amounts, including any variations etc, have been fully invoiced. NOTE: Any overrun actuals on the project will NOT be invoiced via this invoice type.

Confirm the actuals and the forecast on the project are up to date. The forecast can be checked by editing the project from the quick actions Menu - Actions -> Edit Project

From the project's Quick Actions menu, click on Quick Invoice.

From the quick invoice details screen, fill in the following fields:

  • Invoice Number - Assign an invoice number or leave blank to assign automatically.
  • Client Purchase Order - Client PO number/reference. If needs to be added/edited, edit the project.
  • Description - Update the invoice description if required. This is an invoice specific description for display on the invoice template. It will also default to the project number and name, this will display on the first line of the imported invoice in Xero.
  • Reference - Enter an invoice reference, such as a claim number.
  • Date - Issue date
  • DueDate - Invoice due date.
  • Invoice type - Remaining Balance - The invoice will automatically invoice the remaining qty of actual time and/or materials currently not invoiced on the project up to the forecast amount. This is handy for a final invoice, but a remaining balance invoice as the first invoice on a project is equivalent to a 100% of forecast/quoted. Note the remaining balance doesn't not include actuals, it is the balance vs forecast.

Review the invoice's tax sub total and total amount. Tax settings on each line item can be confirmed by clicking on the blue "+" icon to dropdown.

Click Save Invoice to create a draft invoice.

Review the draft invoice and if correct, click Approve and Email to Client or Print to create a PDF to send to the customer.   The Invoice is now ready to be imported to Xero via the Xero dashboard Accounting -> Xero.

The project is now fully invoiced as per the forecast regardless of the project's actuals.  If you need to capture any additional actuals, use the actual usage invoice type.