WorkGuru allows you to create a form that can be filled out from within the project, which will complete a document with the corresponding word template saved to the project's files tab. Creating a form is a two step process:
- Adding a form which defines the fields you want to capture
- Creating a word .docx template which displays the defined form and other relevant fields in the required format. This must be attached in order for the form to be saved.
To add the form and define the form fields, click +Add Form Template from the forms dashboard.
Complete the form template setup where you are defining what you want the form to capture in the Form Fields.
- Form Name - Name of the form
- Form Description - Additional details
- Form Fields- Click Add Field to add fields. Note, these field lines can be dragged and dropped to change the order displayed.
- Name - Field Name, used for displaying the field on the forms document template. Can't include spaces or non-alpha characters. Equivalent to the fields's "Sku"
- Label - The label displayed on the form's data entry page.
- Description - Displays further field information on the data entry page to assist correct field population.
- Type- Field type, how will the user be prompted to capture date when completing the form.
- Signature - Captures an actual manual written signature.
- Date -Displays a calendar picker to output DD/MM/YYYY date format.
- ShortText - Small text field, can't be extended.
- LongText - Large text box, can be extended.
- Picture* - Image upload (PNG and JPG)
- Number - Field validated to allow only numbers.
- Dropdown - Select from a defined list of options
- Time Sheets - Displays a selectable date range and staff member and will display the returned timesheets entered by that staff member within those dates. Good for getting manual timesheet sign-off by managers etc.
- Custom Table
- X - Remove the field line if no longer required.
- Select Files - select form template .docx file. This is the form template created as a .docx format to display the form's fields using the [FormFieldName] notation. Eg if the field name is Rego, to display the field's captured data on the form template it would be [FormRego].
Confirm the data entered and click Save Form.
Additional Notes:
*Picture uploads require both a table description and cell containing the relevant form merge field to handle dynamic resizing. If your form field name is "FieldName", your form template must contain a table with a description "[FormFieldName]" as well as a cell within that table containing "[FormFieldname]". Instructions to set up table descriptions can be found here. Images are resized to fit the table cell while maintaining the original images aspect ratio. If the cell is not resized on the document template and left as default, the image will be scaled based on the cell width.