When setting up tables to display recurring information in WorkGuru, they have a couple of pre-requisites to be completed so they are able to display the information correctly. These tables should have two rows, the header row, and the row that will be duplicated.


The table must have a header row, even if it is blank. WorkGuru won't display table rows without a header, even if the row fields have been correctly added. Note that the header (E.g. Products) must be entered directly above the lines that will be auto populated.

Table Properties

The table's alt text description field needs to be filled in so WorkGuru knows which data it needs to populate the rows with.  If you are setting up a table from scratch.  To access the table's alt text description field, right click the table and open the Table Properties.

Select the Alt Text tab:

Enter the following text in the Description field depending on the type of table it is:

  • Products/Costs - Products
  • Product/Cost options - ProductOptions
  • Tasks/Labour - Tasks
  • Tasks/Labour options - TaskOptions
  • Timesheets - Timesheets
  • Purchase orders - Purchases
  • Purchase order line detail- PurchaseLines
  • Purchase orders grouped by supplier or PO - AltPurchases
  • Invoice payments - Payments
  • Lead activities - LeadActivities
  • Project/Quote phase summary - PhaseSummary
  • Project/Quote phase details - PhaseDetails (note: The PDF converter we use can sometimes have difficulty handling nested tables. In circumstances where the printed PhaseDetails table is formatted incorrectly when printed to pdf, we recommend instead printing to docx and converting to pdf from MS Word )
  • Invoice summary - InvoiceSummaries
  • Purchase order summary - POSummaries
  • Stock usage summary - StockUsageSummaries
  • Production job output - Output
  • Project notes - Notes

Note: you can only have ONE of each table type (e.g. you cannot have 2 tables with the Alt Text of "Products" on the same template.

Once your tables have been set up correctly, ensure you have entered the correct merge fields to populate your document accordingly. Please note that WorkGuru reads these and matches them to pre-defined fields, so they must match exactly to work. See here for available merge fields.