Production jobs can be managed from the production jobs dashboard. The dashboard displays job counts by Progress, Overdue, Due this week and New. The Quick Actions menu provides shortcuts to add new production jobs, add timesheets and view completed jobs.
You can also quickly update the Status of the production jobs from the project dashboard. Click on the status dropdown on the job to update the status.
Clicking on the job number will open the production job detail page. The production job detail page is similar to the standard WorkGuru project detail page. Production job details, quick actions, job tabs and progress and cost widgets are managed the same as a project. The only functionality that is different is the production output vs invoicing.
Quick Actions
- Add a Timesheet - Add labour costs to the job via timesheets.
- Use Materials - Use stock on hand from a warehouse's inventory or track a non-stock expense on a job.
- Add Purchase Order - Raise a project purchase order to the job.
- Edit Production Job - Edit the production job's details, output line, task and product lines.
- Copy Production Job - Duplicate the job to run the same production multiple times.
- Complete Production Job - Fully or Partially complete the production job to cost and adjust into stock on hand the completed output.
Profit and Project Widgets - Actual vs Forecast.
- Hours Worked - Hours based on timesheets.
- Tasks Completed - Job completion based on milestone (task) completion, not time.
- Produced Items - Actual output costed and moved to stock on hand.
- Cost- Financial cost calculated by:
- Timesheets
- Material/Stock usage
- Purchase orders
- Supplier credit notes.
Production Job Tabs
- Outputs - List of production output with progress.
- Overview - Individual Task progress and completion.
- Time - List of timesheets added to the job.
- Materials - Job material summary and usage breakdown.
- Purchases - List of purchase orders raised attached to the job.
- Notes - Notes added to the job.
- Files - Files added to the project.