When sending payments to Xero, Xero requires the invoices it needs to be allocate the payments against to already be imported AND approved in Xero.   This means you need to send your invoices from WorkGuru and approve them in Xero before you can send the associated payment.

The correct workflow to successfully sending payments to Xero is:

  1. Apply payment to the invoice.
  2. Send Invoices from WorkGuru to Xero.
  3. Approve draft invoices in Xero.
  4. Send Payments from WorkGuru to Xero.

When sending payments to Xero, you will get the following messages if Xero can't apply the payment successfully:

Payments can only be made against authorised documents - means the payment's invoice has been sent to Xero but is not approved.  Resolve by approving the invoice before sending payments.

Payment Payment on invoice failed with the following errors: Invoice could not be found - means the payment's invoice has not been sent to Xero.   Resolve by sending and approving the invoice before sending payments.

Payment amount exceeds the amount outstanding on this document - means the payment amount doesn't match the invoice total.  Resolve by confirming the payment and/or invoice totals are correct.

Payments are applied to the invoice in Xero, coded to the specified clearing account to assist with daily, weekly or monthly payment method reconciliation.