You can manage your purchase orders from the Purchase Orders dashboard (Purchases -> Purchases).  You can search for purchase order numbers, descriptions and supplier and refine the view by Approved, Draft, Received or All orders.  Open the purchase order details page by clicking the purchase order number from the purchase orders dashboard.  

The dashboard gives you a selectable purchasing pipeline views:

  • Open POs - Value of current approved purchase orders (not drafts)
  • Received Not Billed - Value of received purchase orders that you haven't received a supplier invoice for.
  • Billed not Received - Value of purchases orders you've been invoiced for that haven't been physically received.

The purchase order details page displays the purchase order information, line items and forecast financials in the overview tab.  You can upload files, record notes and review the email history.

At the bottom of the detail page, the functions available at the current state of the purchase order will be displayed.

Purchase order functions available depending on state are:

  • Approve Purchase Order - Approve purchase order. (Draft only)
  • Edit Purchase Order - Edit purchase order. (Draft only)
  • Receive Purchase Order - Receive and invoice purchase order. (Approved only)
  • Revert to Draft - If an approved order needs to be edited, it needs to be reverted to a draft stage first. (Approved only)
  • Update Invoice Details - Cost purchase order against the supplier invoice independent of receiving products or services.
  • Skip Send to Accounting - Exclude the purchase order from being queued to send to Xero.  For example, the expense is already in Xero.
  • Mark/UnMark As Emailed - Toggle the emailed/sent status if the purchase order has been send to the supplier external to WorkGuru.  Displays the envelope icon next to the order on the purchase order dashboard.
  • Delete - Delete the purchase order.  This will remove the order from the purchase history. (Draft and approved only)
  • Print - Download purchase order in PDF or .DOCX formats.
  • Email to Supplier (requires email templates to be set up) - Email the purchase order to supplier using WorkGuru email and document templates. Note: without any text in the message, the email will NOT send. 
  • Add Payment - Add pre-payments to meet supplier deposit requirements before order is fully received or costed.
  • Credit Note - Raise a supplier credit note from the order to return or request credits from the supplier.
  • Cancel Purchase Order - Cancel purchase order.  This will retain the order in the purchase history. (Draft and approved only)
  • UnReceive PO - Reverse the Purchase order and it's stock movements back to the approved state. (Received Only)
  • Back to Project - Project purchase orders only, shortcut to return to the source project.
  • Back - Back to the purchase order dashboard.
  • Copy Purchase Order - Copy purchase order details and line items to create a new purchase order.