Purchase orders can be added via the mobile application by tapping the + icon from the following pages:

  • Home
  • Project details
  • Purchases

Fill out the initial purchase order information. The rest of the purchase order can be added by expanding the Show Details and Show Products sections.

  • Number - Leave blank for next number in sequence
  • Description - Order description
  • Suppliers - Search or select the supplier.  Note:  Suppliers must exist in WorkGuru, new suppliers cannot be added from the mobile app.
  • Project - Assign project to create a project purchase order.  Leave blank for a stock purchase order.

Expand and enter additional purchase order details as required:

  • Phase - Select project phase (if available) to assign the purchase costs to.
  • Issue Date - Defaults to current date.
  • Expected Date - Defaults to current date.
  • Delivery Addresses - Search or select from the delivery address dropdown if required.
  • Delivery Address Fields- Manually enter delivery address information.
    • Delivery Address 1
    • Delivery Address 2
    • Suburb
    • State
    • Postcode
  • Delivery Instructions - Order delivery information if required.
  • Warehouses - Select order warehouse.
  • Reporting Category - Assign Xero tracking category (if available)
  • Billable - Flag purchase as billable if required.

Expand and enter the product lines to purchase:

  • Product Lines - Enter product details and tap Add Product to add to the order. Tap + icon to expand line.
    • Product - Search or select product Sku/Name.
    • SKU - Enter SKU when adding an adhoc product line (not in your product database)
    • Name - Enter a name when adding an adhoc product line (not in your product database)
    • Qty - Order quantity.
    • Buy Price - Update product pricing if required.
    • Line Total  - Displays product line total (Qty x Buy Price).
    • Supplier Code - Update supplier code if required.
    • Tax Type - Update tax if required.
    • Description - Update product description if required.
  • Landed Costs - Tap Show Landed Cost Table to show landed cost entry fields. Tap Add Landed Cost to add landed cost to the order. Note: Not available on project purchases.
    • Product - Search or select landed cost if setup as an existing product.
    • Landed Cost - Enter description for ad-hoc landed cost.
    • Amount - Landed cost total
    • Tax Type - Select landed cost tax type.

When the PO details and products have been entered successfully, click Save to save as a draft or Save and Approve to issue the purchase order.