Custom Fields can be added to WorkGuru from the +Add a Custom Field button on the dashboard located under the Administration drop-down menu.
Complete the following fields:
- Name - Note this field must not contain any spaces or special characters as this is the tag the merge field references when used on document templates eg: [CustomFieldName]
- Label - The descriptive name for the field. Can contain spaces etc.
- Type - Type of field which defines the format of the field and how it displays.
- Short Text - Short text field.
- Long Text - Long expandable text field.
- Number - Number only field. Can't enter alpha or special characters.
- Date - Popup calendar date picker.
- Link - Enter a URL that is clickable on the document.
- Dropdown - Create a selectable list.
- Mandatory? - Mark the field as Mandatory so it will prompt the user if it hasn't been filled out.
- Select Supported Document Types - Where do you want the custom field to appear. You can select multiple documents if required. The data will flow heirachally if support. Eg Lead -> Quote -> Project.
Click Save to add the new custom field.