You can email purchase orders directly out of WorkGuru.  You can email a purchase order in any state.

From the purchase order's detail page , click the Email to Supplier button.

An email compose screen will drop down to be filled out.  You can automate/pre-fill this screen by setting up your email templates.

  • Email Using Template - Select the purchase order template. This is required, without an email template the email will not send.
  • To - Enter or choose the recipient email from the Select Email To list.
  • Select Email To - The supplier and contact email addresses saved against the supplier's card will display in the Select Email To: list.
  • CC - Email CC will default to the logged in WorkGuru staff email.  This is handy to confirm the email was sent successfully.
  • Subject - Templated subject line, update as required.
  • Attach Linked Files - Attached any files that have been stored in the purchase order's files tab.
  • Message - Email body. This is required, without any text in the message the email will NOT send.

Click Send Template to send to the recipients.  You will see a prompt saying Purchase Order has successfully emailed! or a message if there is any issues sending.   The email will then be logged in the purchase order's email history tab available in the purchase order's detail page.   

An envelope icon is also added next to the purchase order number in the purchase order dashboard to indicate it has been sent.