Project Templates in WorkGuru let you define set lists of Tasks and Products that can be applied to quotes, projects and production jobs. Templates save the data entry required to setup up quotes, projects and jobs individually. They can also assist in systemizing the content and layout of quotes, projects and jobs so they are consistent regardless of who in the organization is creating them.
The line items defined on a project or production template can consist of an entire job, or they can be a setup as a module of work so you can apply multiple templates to build a larger quote, project or production job.
Multiple quantities of a template can added to a job to suit workflows where you need to add multiple modules of work, such as fabrication. When adding multiple templates, eg, I need to build 2 trailers. The templates will add the relevant amount of labour/hours and components/materials required to build the 2 trailers. You can choose if you would like to keep the duplicate line tasks and materials separate or combined as best suits the project workflow.