Timesheets can be added to the production job from the quick actions menu. Timesheets can also be added from the user's dashboard, the kiosk or the iOS or Android mobile applications. Adding timesheets through the job's quick actions is the only way you can enter time on behalf of other users. Note: the cost of the timesheets is added to the production job based on the user's individual hourly rate setup in their user profile, not the task forecast rate.

Ensure that your Timesheet Type setting is set to Daily to add timesheets from a production job. (Administration -> Settings -> General). Weekly timesheets can only be entered via the user's dashboard.

From the production job details page, select the Add a Timesheet from the Quick Actions menu. If this button is not in the quick actions menu, it means the timesheet type is set to Weekly

Enter the timesheet details on the Add Timesheet page:

  • User - User rate the timesheet will be entered after. Defaults to the logged in user. Select from the list to add time on behalf of someone else.
  • Project - The current production job.
  • Tasks - Select the job's task to record the timesheet against. Note this is contextual based on the current logged in user. They may not be able to see all tasks due to staff allocation.
  • Start Time - Date and Time to the hour and minute the timesheet started. Clicking on the time launches a calendar picker, and shortcuts to enter the hour and minute to the nearest 5mins without needed to use the keyboard.  Although the UI is optimized for touchscreens, you can type the date/time in manually if required.
  • Finish Time - Date and Time to the hour and minute the timesheet ended. Clicking on the time launches a calendar picker, and shortcuts to enter the hour and minute to the nearest 5mins without needed to use the keyboard.  Although the UI is optimized for touchscreens, you can type the date/time in manually if required.
  • Length - Hour:Minute total of the timesheet.
  • Billable - Adjust the billable amount to write up or down the timesheet length. Eg, an inexperienced staff member took 4 hours to complete a 2 hour task. The billable field will let you write the 4 hours total length down to 2 hours for invoicing.

Timesheet hours can be tracked in the production job with the Hours Worked widget or itemized in the Time tab.The staff member's hourly rate defined in their user profile will also now contribute to the Cost widget for the overall unit cost of the output SKU.